Today Finals schedule:
5th period final:8:30 - 10:30
Break:10:30 - 10:40
7th period final:10:45 - 12:45
Reminder: Lunch will be available every day after school this week.
Book Room open 8 am - 2 pm during finals and open open until 4 pm on Thursday, June 2nd. Seniors clear your fines by Thursday 4 pm to receive your diploma at commencement ceremony.
All students with an elevator key should return it by June 3rd in the Main office. If key is not returned, we will keep your deposit.
Graduation extra wristband tickets will be available Today. Break time and after school in the Atrium. Make sure the bring your school ID.
Student athletes must turn in all uniforms to the box in the front office ASAP. There is a fine of $50 for all missing uniforms and additional charges for gear. Diplomas/transcripts will be withheld if not returned.
Varsity Athletes! Please take a minute to fill out your evaluation of this year's sports experience. Your feedback is important as we work to improve the Cougar athletic program.
Please join us for a celebration of student photography, studio art and graphic design this Thursday from 4:30-7pm! The show takes place in three locations: the Art Building, the atrium of the Main Building and the first floor hallway.
Look for an email with exam day details (exam, date, time, location) for each of the AP exams you are taking. These emails were sent to your PERSONAL email accounts registered with the College Board, not your school email. Check there and your spam folder please.
If you can't find the email, see Ms. Cajina (room 302) directly or email her (
by Abby Cohen
Last fall, America’s most restrictive abortion law, known as Senate Bill 8 or SB 8, went into effect in Texas. Over the past six months there have been nation-wide protests, people seeking abortions out of state, and the Supreme Court hearing two cases, one of them challenging the law. With the Supreme Court having a 6–3 conservative majority, the stakes for Roe v. Wade couldn’t be higher.
SB 8 prohibits most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, only making an exception for medical emergencies which do not specifically include rape, sexual abuse, incest, or the fetus having an untreatable and fatal condition. The law doesn’t define what would constitute a “medical emergency” during pregnancy, a gray area that can result in a wide variety of interpretations and ways it is enforced.
For the full story, see The Cougar on Medium.
In the spirit of Black-Asian-Allies solidarity, join us on Sunday, Feb. 27 at 3:00pm for a talk, “Black Love": Past, Present, & Future, co-hosted by the Asian Pacific Islander Parent Engagement Group (API-PEG) and Black Parent Advisory Group (BPAG). Before the talk, listen to part or all of the free Masterclass on Black History, Black Freedom, and Black Love. Then, world-renowned writer Camille Parker will unpack these issues during our local event. Register for the event with Ms. Parker here.
By Nicolas Davalos and Daniel Peterson
The Albany High boys basketball team’s season had its share of success and struggle, and as playoffs begin, the Cougars ended the regular season playing, on average, an exhausting three games a week.
This number has increased exceptionally because of a coronavirus outbreak among the varsity team. The outbreak postponed games, practices, and all other team activities for about a month, and the team had to hustle to make all those games up.
Players note that COVID has impacted the team’s morale, playstyle, and conditioning among other things, and it plays an important role in the team’s late-season performance.
For the full article, see The Cougar on Medium.
Editorial and infographic by Natalia Toledo
While the holiday season has come to a close, the COVID surge has not. Cases are spiking, and due to omicron’s contagious design, the risk of contracting the virus has only increased. Like it or not, the world we live in now is our “new normal”. That is, a world where precautions must be adopted, and upheld, to protect the vulnerable. The coronavirus will not go away because we close our eyes and wish it to be. That’s just not how nature works.
There is a consensus among many experts that COVID-19 will come and go in seasons, just as we experience with the flu. That is why it is important that we learn how to manage it. So let’s emphasize the things that are working and debunk the myths around the obscurities. Say hello to the masks and the vaxes.
For the full editorial, see The Cougar on Medium.
The AHS Library appreciates the support of our whole community. Below are new books our students are asking for. Please, we would love a gift of one or more of these books. It would mean the world to us.
Beautiful World, Where Are You, by Sally Rooney
Black Food, by Bryant Terry
A Court of Silver Flames, by Sarah Maas
Crying in H Mart, by Michelle Zauner
The Hawthorne Legacy, by Jennifer Barnes
Himawari House, by Harmony Becker
The Korean Vegan Cookbook, by Joanne Lee Molinaro
The Nobleman's Guide To Scandal And Shipwrecks, by Mackenzi Lee
Our Violent Ends, by Chloe Gong
Revolution In Our Time, by Kekla Magoon
Roxy, by Neal Shusterman
Sanctuary, by Paola Mendoza
Squad, by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
Students wait in line to receive lunch at the new serving location in the gym lobby. This location currently provides breakfast foods during break and sandwiches and salads during lunch.
By Xinxin Duan
Following a new law passed in the spring of 2021, Albany High School has begun to provide free meals to all of its students.
According to Executive Chef Sabina Feinberg, the USDA requires that free meals be provided to students of all schools in the nation during the 2021-2022 school year due to the special conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, but schools in California will continue to do this in future school years. Mr. McNally explained that the new school meal program is a self-funded program, meaning that there is no extra cost for the Food Services department.
The implementation of the free meal program has caused the number of students getting school meals to rise significantly. According to Ms. Feinberg, the daily average of AHS students receiving school lunches increased from 139 students in the 2019-20 school year to 317 students this school year.
The main difficulty is “getting all students through,” said Mr. McNally. Ms. Feinberg said, “We are feeding more students than ever in the same space, with the same amount of staff, and with the same amount of storage space we had before.”
For the full story, see The Cougar on Medium.
By Izzy Smith, Devon Luce, and Swastik Siwakoti
You open TikTok and start scrolling through your “For You Page.” All you see are perfect girls with flawless hair, faces, and bodies. Before you know it, your thoughts are flooded with self-hatred and anxiety. These girls fit perfectly into the westernized idea of beauty, and you can’t help but compare yourself to how they look. This is something that many students experience on a daily basis, and they are slowly starting to realize how addictive and harmful TikTok can really be.
“There’s a lot of body checking on TikTok,” said senior Iman Khan. Body checking is the obsessive urge to seek information on your appearance, weight, size, often done through videos or images. Another user, senior Sophia Vitek, said, “Once you’re on TikTok, it’s really hard to get off of it, which is really toxic.”
With TikTok becoming more and more popular, there has been a prevalent rise in toxic trends, specifically ones that touch on fatphobia and eating disorders.
For the full story, see The Cougar on Medium.
By Natalia Toledo
According to NPR, Governor Gavin Newsom beat the recall in a landslide vote of 63.8 percent no to 36.2 percent yes. For many, the burden of the recall election has eased. But for others, the pushback has only begun.
Recall elections are nothing new in California, and that was by design. According to the New York Times, “Since 1911, at least 179 recall attempts have been made against state officeholders.” However, most recall efforts don’t make it past the petition stage. A petition calling for a recall must be signed by 12 percent of registered voters who voted in the last gubernatorial election. Additionally, funds have to be set aside for the campaigns and elections, which comes at a multi-million dollar price tag. The last recall attempt that made it to the election phase was against Gray Davis, who was replaced by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
For the full story, see The Cougar on Medium.
"Gavin Newsom" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Join Albany's Pride, AUSD's LGBTQIA+ advocacy group, to create a chalk rainbow on Portland at Pomona by the Albany Aquatic Center in honor of National Coming Out Day! Enjoy snacks and coffee. We'll have some activities to play at Memorial Park. Bring your own ball or game. Kids welcome! Please wear a mask!
Students cram together in the halls in the rush towards lunchtime. During the first week of school, students were still figuring out where their classes were. “The halls get crazy in between classes,” said senior Carmela Gulisano. “It makes it hard to get to class on time when there are so many people.” Photo by Devon Luce.
By Isabel Hall and Nat James
On August 17th, 2021, with masks on and backpacks finally full after a year of no use, Albany High students returned to school in-person. Students were feeling apprehensive about the campus fully opening again, especially with the district disregarding social distancing.
The hallways and stairwells at Albany High are consistently packed, students shoulder to shoulder with each other as they move to and from classes.
“Being in person with full class sizes makes it not possible to social distance,” says English teacher David Blinn. “It definitely feels less safe than being online, but I understand why returning to school is so important.”
For the full story, see The Cougar on Medium.
Are you looking to create a short film, but not sure where to start? You're in luck - Reel Stories is offering after-school filmmaking courses starting at the end of this month for Beginner and Advanced Filmmakers! Discounts and scholarships for anyone who needs help with tuition.
The Reel Stories Beginner After School Program will guide you through the basics of filmmaking including: cinematography, editing, animation, script writing and more! This program will start September 30th - It meets on Thursday evenings from 4pm-5:30pm PST from September 30th to November 18th. Here is the link to apply:
Advanced Filmmaking Cohort is starting soon as well, with 2 tracks - Documentary and Narrative! This cohort will allow you to develop and improve your filmmaking skills in a supportive environment of experienced youth filmmakers. The Advanced Filmmaking Cohort meets Mondays and Thursdays 4pm-5:30pm from September 27th-November 29th. The link to the Narrative track is here: and the link to the Documentary track is here:
The Albany High Library is a great resource for students at school and at home. Our librarian, Ms. Scheuer, is creating a welcoming, supportive space for all students. Students use the library to study, use a computer, check out a book, or just chill.
We need help in the library at lunchtime! Are you available once a week during AHS lunch to volunteer in the library (11:45-1 on M-T-Th, or 12:30-1:30 on W-F)? You’ll greet students and be a smiling face as they read, work on computers and do homework. Please email Ms. Scheuer if you can help out:
The Albany High Library is a great resource for students at school and at home. Our librarian Ms. Scheuer has created a welcoming, supportive space for all students. We are open every day at lunch and afterschool. Students use the library to study, use a computer, check out a book, or read. In order to be Covid-safe, we are limiting the numbers of students in the library at any one time, and we are requiring students to keep masked at all times. Because of this, we are not eating in the library.
Ms. Ferdun is our new fabulous library assistant. We are so lucky in Albany to have the support of SchoolCare. This position is funded by SchoolCare and helps keep our library open extended hours. Thank you, Albany!
Are you looking for a new book to read? Check out the AHS Librarian’s recommendations: to see books we recommend. Browse our digital shelves, and explore books by genre.
AHS Library hours
Monday: 10am - 5pm
Tuesday: 10am - 5pm
Wednesday: 10am - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 5pm
Friday: 10am - 4pm
PS: Follow the AHS Library on Instagram @albany.library
Club Rush Day, Back-to-School Night, mental health resources, college planning and more! Check out the latest edition of the Counseling Department Newsletter.
You may have heard that we’ve reinstated a daily format for our student bulletin. We switched to a weekly format last year during the campus closure, as there wasn’t much day-to-day news to share.
In contrast to posts such as this, which contain longer news items (and potentially photos/videos), the Daily Bulletin is for short (<300 characters) announcements that are read over the public address system on campus each day. The most-recent bulletin is always available from our homepage by clicking the blue “Daily Bulletin” button.
If you’d like to submit an item for the bulletin, you can do so here. Students are welcome to submit items as well, but need to get staff approval first. Please keep in mind that bulletin submission form requires an AUSD Google account. If you’re a community member and/or have something longer to share, shoot an email to and we’ll get you set up.
Dear Albany Community,
Students and teachers started to settle into a routine this week as the school year began in earnest. Unfortunately, a few COVID cases were reported at Marin-Portland, Ocean View, and AMS. The Delta variant of COVID-19 is causing infections locally as well as nationally, especially in the unvaccinated population, which includes all children under 12 who are not yet vaccine-eligible. I spent the summer making sure that Albany schools would be prepared for this. Here, I will lay out what Albany Unified is doing, and what we need you, as the parent or guardian, to do to keep students in school.
One: The most important safety step for your family is to get vaccinated! If you are eligible please get vaccinated, right away. We have multiple locations right here in Albany that are ready and eager to assist! Vaccines are free and do not require insurance or identification. AUSD will host vaccination clinics shortly after a vaccine is approved for children under twelve to expedite getting our students vaccinated as soon as possible. For everyone twelve years and older, see this webpage for vaccine information and locations.
Two: If your student is showing symptoms, do not send them to school. Here is the CDC’s list of COVID-19 symptoms. Students at school should be healthy, but COVID-19 can cause asymptomatic infections, especially in the young. It is also possible that a student might be pre-symptomatic. Our safety measures: such as wearing masks all day, every day, indoors and outdoors, except when eating; improved ventilation; and increased hand hygiene; were designed to protect students and staff from infections, even when infections aren’t apparent.
Three: Provide your consent for COVID-19 pooled testing. Pooled testing will allow us to screen for invisible infections. This video of a second grader shows how the test will be self-administered. Please see this webpage for more information and links to the consent form. Also on that webpage is our AUSD Testing FAQ, a detailed document informing you about COVID tests and the protocols we are following in the event of a positive pooled test result. Note that pooled surveillance testing is not recommended for those who have been fully vaccinated.
Four: If your student is exposed, follow the appropriate guidance for either vaccinated or unvaccinated students. AUSD is following guidance from Alameda County Office of Education outlined in a handy flowchart available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Farsi. Briefly, vaccinated students do not need to quarantine, but should be monitored for symptoms. Asymptomatic, unvaccinated students exposed at school can have a modified quarantine, which allows them to remain in school during the quarantine period if fully masked and obeying all other safety protocols. Our county office of education will be providing additional guidance soon regarding quarantines and testing. For now, please be aware that supervised testing is available from many sources, including AUSD.
I am committed to keeping Albany schools open for in-person learning and have every confidence that we can do it. But this does not mean that there will be no COVID-19 cases. By acting responsibly as a school community, we can minimize the incidence of cases, and keep our students in class by staying vigilant on our safety measures, even when cases arise.
Board of Education Meeting and Health & Safety Town Hall Webinar
At the next Board of Education meeting, Tuesday, August 31, there will be a review and discussion of the AUSD COVID-19 protocols and implementation. Then on Wednesday, September 1, from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, I will be hosting our second Town Hall webinar of the 2021-22 school year. This Health and Safety Town Hall will be a chance for you to be updated on the current situation at all schools, hear information about safety protocols, COVID-19 staff and student testing, and to ask questions. Please join us at the virtual Town Hall:
My next Community Update will be on Friday, September 3.
Stay hopeful and encouraged,
Dr. Frank Wells
Superintendent of Schools
Albany Unified School District
Actualización de la comunidad del superintendente: Seminario web sobre medidas de seguridad y salud y seguridad de COVID
27 de Agosto de 2021
Estimada comunidad de Albany,
Los estudiantes y maestros comenzaron a establecerse en una rutina esta semana cuando el año escolar comenzaba en serio. Desafortunadamente, se informaron algunos casos de COVID en Marin-Portland, Ocean View y AMS. La variante Delta de COVID-19 está causando infecciones a nivel local y nacional, especialmente en la población no vacunada, que incluye a todos los niños menores de 12 años que aún no son elegibles para la vacuna. Pasé el verano asegurándome de que las escuelas de Albany estuvieran preparadas para esto. Aquí, expondré lo que está haciendo el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Albany y lo que necesitamos que usted, como padre o tutor, haga para mantener a los estudiantes en la escuela.
Uno: El paso de seguridad más importante para su familia es vacunarse! Si es elegible, vacúnese de inmediato. ¡Tenemos varias ubicaciones aquí en Albany que están listas y deseosas de ayudar! Las vacunas son gratuitas y no requieren seguro ni identificación. AUSD albergará clínicas de vacunación poco después de que se apruebe una vacuna para niños menores de doce años para acelerar la vacunación de nuestros estudiantes lo antes posible. Para todas las personas mayores de doce años, consulte esta página web para obtener información y ubicaciones sobre las vacunas.
Dos: Si su estudiante muestra síntomas, no los envíe a la escuela. Aquí está la lista de los CDC de síntomas de COVID-19. Los estudiantes en la escuela deben estar sanos, pero COVID-19 puede causar infecciones asintomáticas, especialmente en los jóvenes. También es posible que un estudiante sea presintomático. Nuestras medidas de seguridad: como el uso de mascarillas todo el día, todos los días, en interiores y exteriores, excepto para comer; ventilación mejorada; y mayor higiene de manos; fueron diseñados para proteger a los estudiantes y al personal de infecciones, incluso cuando las infecciones no son evidentes.
Tres: Proporcione su consentimiento para las pruebas conjuntas de COVID-19. Las pruebas agrupadas nos permitirán detectar infecciones invisibles. Este video de un estudiante de segundo grado muestra cómo se autoadministrará la prueba. Consulte esta página web para obtener más información y enlaces al formulario de consentimiento. También en esa página web se encuentran nuestras Preguntas frecuentes sobre las pruebas de AUSD, un documento detallado que le informa sobre las pruebas de COVID y los protocolos que seguimos en caso de que el resultado de una prueba conjunta sea positivo. Tenga en cuenta que las pruebas de vigilancia agrupadas no se recomiendan para aquellos que han sido completamente vacunados.
Cuatro: Si su estudiante está expuesto, siga la guía apropiada para estudiantes vacunados o no vacunados. AUSD está siguiendo la guía de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Alameda descrita en un práctico diagrama de flujo disponible en inglés, español, chino y farsi. Brevemente, los estudiantes vacunados no necesitan ponerse en cuarentena, pero deben ser monitoreados para detectar síntomas. Los estudiantes asintomáticos y no vacunados expuestos en la escuela pueden tener una cuarentena modificada , lo que les permite permanecer en la escuela durante el período de cuarentena si están completamente enmascarados y obedecen todos los demás protocolos de seguridad. Nuestra oficina de educación del condado pronto proporcionará orientación adicional con respecto a las cuarentenas y las pruebas. Por ahora, tenga en cuenta que las pruebas supervisadas están disponibles en muchas fuentes, incluido AUSD.
Estoy comprometido a mantener las escuelas de Albany abiertas para el aprendizaje en persona y tengo plena confianza en que podemos hacerlo. Pero esto no significa que no habrá casos de COVID-19. Al actuar responsablemente como comunidad escolar, podemos minimizar la incidencia de casos y mantener a nuestros estudiantes en clase manteniéndonos atentos a nuestras medidas de seguridad, incluso cuando surgen casos.
Reunión de la Junta de Educación y seminario web sobre salud y seguridad en el Ayuntamiento
En la próxima reunión de la Junta de Educación, el martes 31 de agosto, habrá una revisión y discusión de los protocolos y la implementación de AUSD COVID-19. Luego, el miércoles 1 de septiembre, de 6:30 p. M. A 8:00 p. M., Seré el anfitrión de nuestro segundo seminario web del Ayuntamiento del año escolar 2021-22. Este Ayuntamiento de Salud y Seguridad será una oportunidad para que usted esté actualizado sobre la situación actual en todas las escuelas, escuche información sobre los protocolos de seguridad, el personal de COVID-19 y las pruebas de los estudiantes, y haga preguntas. Únase a nosotros en el Ayuntamiento virtual: .
Mi próxima actualización de la comunidad será el viernes 3 de septiembre.
Mantén la esperanza y el ánimo.
Dr. Frank Wells
Superintendente de Escuelas
Distrito Escolar Unificado de Alban
总监的社区更新:COVID 安全措施和健康与安全市政厅网络研讨会
2021 年 8 月 27 日
随着学年的正式开始,学生和老师本周开始适应日常生活。不幸的是,马林-波特兰、Ocean View 和 AMS报告了一些 COVID 病例。 COVID-19 的 Delta 变体正在本地和全国引起感染,特别是在未接种疫苗的人群中,其中包括所有 12 岁以下尚未接种疫苗的儿童。我整个夏天都在确保奥尔巴尼学校为此做好准备。在这里,我将阐述奥尔巴尼联合大学正在做什么,以及我们需要您作为家长或监护人做些什么来让学生留在学校。
一:对您的家人来说,最重要的安全步骤就是接种疫苗!如果您符合条件,请立即接种疫苗。我们在奥尔巴尼有多个地点准备好并渴望提供帮助!疫苗是免费的,不需要保险或身份证明。 AUSD 将在批准用于 12 岁以下儿童的疫苗后不久开设疫苗接种诊所,以加快让我们的学生尽快接种疫苗。对于 12 岁及以上的所有人,请参阅此网页以了解疫苗信息和位置。
二:如果您的学生出现症状,请不要将他们送到学校。这是 CDC 的COVID-19 症状清单。在校学生应该是健康的,但 COVID-19 可能会导致无症状感染,尤其是在年轻人中。学生也有可能出现症状前。我们的安全措施:如整天、每天、室内外都戴口罩,吃饭时除外;改善通风;并加强手部卫生;旨在保护学生和教职员工免受感染,即使感染不明显。
三:同意 COVID-19 合并测试。汇集测试将使我们能够筛查隐形感染。这个二年级学生的视频展示了如何自我管理测试。请参阅此网页以获取更多信息和同意书的链接。该网页上还有我们的 AUSD 测试常见问题解答,这是一份详细的文件,向您介绍 COVID 测试以及我们在汇总测试结果为阳性时遵循的协议。请注意,不建议对已完全接种疫苗的人进行汇总监测测试。
四:如果您的学生被暴露,请遵循针对已接种疫苗或未接种疫苗的学生的适当指导。 AUSD 遵循阿拉米达县教育办公室提供的指南,该指南以英语、西班牙语、中文和波斯语提供的便捷流程图概述。简而言之,接种疫苗的学生不需要隔离,但应监测症状。在学校暴露的无症状、未接种疫苗的学生可以进行修改后的隔离,如果他们完全戴口罩并遵守所有其他安全规程,则允许他们在隔离期间留在学校。我们的县教育办公室将很快提供有关隔离和检测的更多指导。目前,请注意监督测试可从许多来源获得,包括 AUSD。
我致力于保持奥尔巴尼学校对面对面学习的开放,并完全有信心我们可以做到这一点。但这并不意味着不会出现 COVID-19 病例。通过作为学校社区负责任地行事,我们可以最大限度地减少病例的发生率,并通过对我们的安全措施保持警惕,即使出现病例,也可以让我们的学生留在课堂上。
在 8 月 31 日星期二举行的下一次教育委员会会议上,将对 AUSD COVID-19 协议和实施进行审查和讨论。然后在9 月 1 日星期三晚上 6:30 - 8:00 ,我将举办 2021-22 学年的第二次市政厅网络研讨会。此健康与安全市政厅将让您有机会了解所有学校的当前情况,听取有关安全协议、COVID-19 教职员工和学生测试的信息,并提出问题。请加入我们的虚拟市政厅:https :// 。
我的下一次社区更新将在 9 月 3 日星期五进行。