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    Fri, 14 Mar 2025 07:31:51 +0000

    <h2>Question</h2> What's the difference between its and it's? I don't understand which one shows ownership and which one is a combination of it is.Jacob, United States <h2>Answer</h2> Its means "belonging to it" and it's means "it is." But if we usually show possessiveness by adding an apostrophe and an -s, why doesn't that work here? The word it is a pronoun, and when you make a pronoun possessive, it changes form. He becomes his, she becomes her, we becomes our, and who becomes whose. The possessive form of it is its. Below are some examples using the possessive pronoun its. The dog was licking its paw. The table was missing one of its legs. She bought a new book and accidentally tore its cover. The contraction of "it is" has an apostrophe to stand in for the missing letter, just like the contractions don't (do not), they'll (they will), we've (we have), let's (let us), and he's (he is or he has) have apostrophes in place of the missing letter or letters. Below are some examples using the contraction it's. It's going to be very cold today. I have never been to that arcade but I hear it's a good one. Do you know what time it's supposed to start raining? I hope this helps. For more posts about words, idioms, grammar, and usage, like us onFacebookand follow us onTwitter!